Data file | Cases | Variables |
The INDSTAT4 database contains data on the following groups (variables are available in the data file as provided in the original data for each country/year):
(1) Establishments (2 variables): - Number of establishments - Number of enterprises (2) Number of employees (3 variables) - Number of employees - Number of persons engaged - Number of female employees (3) Wages and salaries (2 variables) - Wages and salaries (in national currency) - Wages and salaries (in US$) (4) Output (6 variables) - Output in factor values (in national currency) - Output in factor values (in US$) - Output in producers' prices (in national currency) - Output in producers' prices (in US$) - Output unspecified (in national currency) - Output unspecified (in US$) (5) Value added (6 variables) - Value added in factor values (in national currency) - Value added in factor values (in US$) - Value added in producers' prices (in national currency) - Value added in producers' prices (in US$) - Value added unspecified (in national currency) - Value added unspecified (in US$) (6) Gross fixed capital formation (2 variables) - Gross fixed capital formation- Total (in national currency) - Gross fixed capital formation- Total (in US$) The data is provided by branch for 79 countries starting from 2005. The branches are classified according to the 3/4-digit levels of the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Revision 4 pertaining to the manufacturing sector, which comprises more than 160 industries. For all variables, a second variable, identifying the year when the data was updated, is provided. |
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