Central Data Catalog

Found 188 studies out of 188
Showing 1-15 of 188 studies
UNIDO Industrial Statistics Database, ISIC Rev.3- 2 digit level "INDSTAT2", 170 countries, 1963-2014
#, 1963-2014
Economic Research Forum, United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Created on: Feb 26, 2017 Last modified: Feb 26, 2017 Views: 52180
UNIDO Industrial Statistics Database, ISIC Rev.3- 3/4 digit levels "INDSTAT4-Rev.3", 138 countries, 1985-2013
#, 1985-2013
Economic Research Forum, United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Created on: Feb 26, 2017 Last modified: Feb 26, 2017 Views: 50551
Integrated Labor Market Panel Surveys, ILMPS, Egy-1988-1998-2006-2012-2018, Jor-2010-2016,Tun-2014, and Sdn-2022
Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, Sudan, 1988-2022
Economic Research Forum
Created on: Aug 24, 2023 Last modified: Apr 17, 2024 Views: 38400
UNIDO Industrial Demand-Supply Balance Database, ISIC Rev.3- 4 digit level "IDSB-Rev.3", 120 countries, 1990-2013
#, 1990-2013
Economic Research Forum, United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Created on: Feb 26, 2017 Last modified: Feb 26, 2017 Views: 17061
Expenditure and Consumption Survey, PECS 1995/1996
Palestine, 1995-1996
Economic Research Forum, Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics
Created on: Feb 19, 2014 Last modified: Oct 30, 2014 Views: 148777
Expenditure and Consumption Survey, PECS 1997
Palestine, 1997
Economic Research Forum, Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics
Created on: Feb 19, 2014 Last modified: Oct 30, 2014 Views: 153971
Social and Health Status and Educational Achievement of Adolescents in Egypt (ASCE) (1998)
EGYPT, 1997-1998
Created on: May 12, 2019 Last modified: May 12, 2019 Views: 567200
Expenditure and Consumption Survey, PECS 1998
Palestine, 1998
Economic Research Forum, Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics
Created on: Feb 19, 2014 Last modified: Aug 14, 2022 Views: 159381
Labor Market Panel Survey, ELMPS 1998
Egypt, 1998
Economic Research Forum
Created on: Apr 16, 2013 Last modified: Oct 30, 2014 Views: 453500
Household Income, Expenditure and Consumption Survey, HIECS 1999/2000
Egypt, 1999-2000
Economic Research Forum, Central Agency For Public Mobilization & Statistics
Created on: Feb 19, 2014 Last modified: Oct 30, 2014 Views: 194195
Labor Force Survey, LFS 2000
Palestine, 2000
Economic Research Forum, Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics
Created on: Mar 27, 2016 Last modified: Oct 11, 2016 Views: 102683
Labor Force Survey, LFS 2001
Palestine, 2001
Economic Research Forum, Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics
Created on: Mar 27, 2016 Last modified: Oct 11, 2016 Views: 98821
Micro and Small Enterprise Survey, MSEs 2002
Morocco, 2001-2002
Economic Research Forum
Created on: Oct 03, 2013 Last modified: Oct 30, 2014 Views: 71126
Micro and Small Enterprises Survey, MSEs 2001
Turkey, 2001
Economic Research Forum
Created on: Apr 25, 2013 Last modified: Oct 30, 2014 Views: 108904
Household Expenditure and Income Survey, HEIS 2002
Jordan, 2002-2003
Economic Research Forum, Department of Statistics
Created on: Feb 19, 2014 Last modified: Oct 30, 2014 Views: 182686
Showing 1-15 of 188 studies
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